
RFQs and RFP


Kentucky Public State Universities Financial Advisor RFP


Kentucky Public State Universities Financial Advisor RFP

Service Type
Financial Advisory Services
Bids Due
04/10/2024 at 2:00 PM ET
Higher Education
Listing Date
Deadline for Questions
03/27/2024 at 2:00 PM ET
Contract Start Date

Project Description

The Office of Financial Management (“OFM”) of the Finance and Administration Cabinet of the Commonwealth of Kentucky (the “Cabinet”), on behalf of the Kentucky Public State Universities, is inviting proposals from prequalified firms to provide financial advisory services to the Universities. The engagement period will be for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025 (“FY 2025”) with an option to renew on the same terms and conditions for one additional fiscal year at the discretion of OFM and the Universities.
The firm engaged to perform financial and program advisory services will be working with the Universities, OFM, and a bond counsel firm. KRS 42.420 requires the Universities to submit all proposed debt financings to OFM for review and approval prior to issuance. OFM is very active in this role and serves as an additional advisor. The engagement may include competitive new money transactions, bond refinancings, and other issuance-related financial transactions to include advice relating to any bond anticipation note program(s), debt service and other reserve funds.

Is the maximum fee $85,000 or $90,000?
Is the cover letter included in the page limit?
Section III Fee Proposal, Item 1 mentions a maximum fee of $90,000. Attachment C, the required Fee Proposal, mentions a maximum fee of $85,000. Please confirm the maximum fee is $90,000.