
RFQs and RFP


Turnpike Authority of Kentucky Senior Managing Underwriter RFP


Turnpike Authority of Kentucky Senior Managing Underwriter RFP

Bids Due
05/15/2024 at 2:00 PM ET
Transportation / Toll Road
Listing Date
Deadline for Questions
05/01/2024 at 2:00 PM ET
Contract Start Date

Project Description

The Office of Financial Management (“OFM”) of the Finance and Administration Cabinet of the Commonwealth of Kentucky (the “Cabinet”), on behalf of the Turnpike Authority of Kentucky (the “Authority” or “TAK”), is inviting proposals from prequalified firms for the professional services of senior managing underwriter for the issuance of bonds. Pursuant to KRS 45A.850, the Authority seeks to hire one (1) senior managing underwriter to provide services to the Authority to complete selected financings by the Authority during Fiscal Year 2025. The engagement period will be for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025 (“FY 2025”) with an option to renew on the same terms and conditions for one additional fiscal year at the discretion of OFM. The firm selection will be determined based upon the final rankings of this RFP.

The firm engaged to provide senior managing underwriting services to the Authority will be working with OFM and a bond counsel firm that will be selected in a similar process as the senior managing underwriting firm. The firm selected to perform these services for the Authority will be responsible for the oversight of the entire bond issue(s). These duties include, but are not limited to, structuring the issue(s), providing debt management and marketing advice, coordinating with BondLink for printing and electronic delivery services for the preliminary and final official statements, posting the official statements on MSRB’s EMMA website, bidding a verification agent if applicable, coordinating the sale and closing of the securities, including any escrow securities, with the trustee and the Commonwealth, and serving as the point of contact with the rating agencies.

1. For the Financing Plan assumptions, please confirm that dates you would like us to use for benchmark rates, closing date, etc.
2. For Question IV.E.4, should we frame our answer regarding capital needs or market challenges specific to TAK?
3. In Section IV (Sales and Marketing) Question B, the RFP references the Authority’s bonds that are currently outstanding as identified in Attachment B. However, Attachment B is the Evaluation Form - - Confirming that this references to Attachment C and that the Schedule of Bonds as shown in Attachment C is up to date.
4. In Section V.I.D., could you please clarify who “the institutions” are?