
Office of Financial Management

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The Office of Financial Management (OFM) is a department within the Office of the Controller, which is dedicated to providing quality, and efficient financial services to the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its agencies. OFM is the centralized debt office and is tasked with the responsibility of issuance, management, review, and approval of all debt issued by the Commonwealth and its agencies.  OFM also coordinates and monitors cash needs and investments of approximately $13-14 billion of state funds.  

OFM serves as primary staff to the State Property and Buildings Commission (SPBC), the Kentucky Asset/Liability Commission (ALCo), the Turnpike Authority of Kentucky (TAK), the State Investment Commission (SIC), Kentucky Private Activity Bond Allocation Committee (KPABAC) and the Kentucky Local Correctional Facilities Construction Authority (KLCFCA).


The Debt Group:

Steve Starkweather

Bethany Padgett

Billy Aldridge

Melissa Perry

Kaitlin Craigmyle

Image Gallery

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Have questions? Reach out to us directly.